Goodness-of-fit tests for the normal distribution It seems that JavaScript in your browser is not working. You must enable JavaScript to be able to use this page. Paste or write your data set below: Number separators: Use a space or any other non-numeric character, except a minus sign, period or comma. Decimal marks: Periods (.) only. Don't use commas as decimal marks; commas with digits adjacent on both sides are interpreted as thousands separators. Numbers in scientific notation can't be used. Test using the log-normal distribution Your goodness-of-fit test results: Please wait... for the normal distribution Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: Anderson-Darling test: Lilliefors-van Soest test: Cramer-von Mises test: Ryan-Joiner test: d'Agostino-Pearson test: Shapiro-Wilks test: Please report any errors by emailing us.